Preparedness raises many feelings amongst those who hear the word. For some, it reminds them of “Emergency Preparedness” – something most frightening and overwhelming.


For others, the word “preparedness” conjures up something you do should you get laid off from your job. Still others might view “preparedness” as what you do when you’re going on a vacation. Preparedness really is all of the above and more. But for the intents of this blog, we’re going to be discussing preparedness from many angles but with a decided focus on emergency preparedness.


Mormon HelpThe definition of emergency sits right between an unexpected, unhappy event and a life-threatening one. And when one is prepared, taking it all in stride definitely makes emergencies easier to deal with.


Thus, we’re going to be discussing all kinds of topics here at the Preparedness blog…from 72-Hour Kits to contents for your Year’s Supply. But not just that! We’ll also be talking about spiritual preparedness, physical well-being, educational preparedness (we all know how topsy-turvey the job climate is), and even living off the land if need be.


I’ll be doing book reviews to lead you to preparedness books you’ll want for your personal library, including those you’ll want to avoid! Additionally, there are many other topics, from obtaining your ham radio operator’s license (think of Hurricane Katrina and all those destroyed cell phone towers) to joining a C.E.R.T. team to help your community in time of a disaster.


One of the most important things to remember as we work on becoming prepared is this:


“Preparedness is not a one-time event. Preparedness is a lifestyle.”


This will become our mantra here at! Living this way not only brings peace, but it serves our family and loved ones in powerful and reassuring ways.


With that in mind, scripture study needs to become our mainstay each day of our lives. As we immerse ourselves in the scriptures and learn of the Lord’s will, the Spirit will better be able to witness to our souls of important truths. These truths will guide us and inspire us in our daily preparations.


As we journal those promptings, more will come. Not only promptings, but warnings. I testify of this, for I have experienced it. And when that peace is present, regardless the emergency, we will be able to meet it with our heads held high and our hearts steady.


The Lord has commanded,


“Prepare ye, prepare ye for that which is to come, for the Lord is nigh;…” (D&C 112).


Yes, indeed, the word “preparedness” raises many feelings amongst those who hear the word. But for the faithful who hearken to the Lord through His written word and through His prophets, preparedness will be a lifestyle embraced and enjoyed.

About Cindy B

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