Perhaps my favorite music video ever isn’t what you would expect. Yes, I know. How can one choose just one video as the favorite from the millions available?
When I was in high school, I was interested in business and technical subjects. But that was back in the 20th century. The most-advanced technology for us then was electronic typewriters, which were amazing, at least at the time. But we only had a few electric typewriters at our school. Most were manual, so a select few students were daily granted the amazing machines.
My favorite typewriter consisted of a circular type head. As one pressed the keys, the ball would spin rapidly and tap the ribbon at the appropriate spot on the ball, which in turn pressed the ribbon against the paper to print the desired text. This was the epitome of technology at the time and much more sophisticated than the simple type bars that would strike the paper when the respective key was pressed. (see IBM Selectric typewriter and Hansen Writing Ball)
When I began college in 1984, I took an information management class that introduced me to computers. Again, they were cutting edge at the time using 3.5-inch floppy disks, instead of the old cassette tape formats my brother used with his Radio Shack computer. We all tolerated monochrome monitors back then (amber or green), because we didn’t know any better.
Needless-to-say, typewriters are relics and early computers antiques now. Though computers have increased in speed and capacity greatly, the new generation has migrated to laptops and mobile devices such as smart phones, which give them access, efficiency, mobility, and…wait for it…music.
Audio media seems to drive a lot of what we do. Radios, CDs, iPod, iPhones, and Androids all have at least one thing in common, and that is music. There is a fun quote I really like. It goes something like this:
You know, one of the tragedies of real life is that there is no background music.
Unfortunately, I do not know who to attribute this phrase to. It has been repeated so frequently that the original source has been obscured. But the person who coined the expression definitely did so before YouTube, Vemo, ListenonRepeat, Reverbnation et al. The digital technologies airways are filled with music everywhere you turn, so background music isn’t absent, in many cases, it’s ubiquitous. So with so many catchy tunes available everywhere, anytime, how can one really determine a favorite?
I like the One Voice Children’s Choir rendition of Glorious perhaps even better than David Archuleta’s original performance for a number of reasons.
The performers have surprising talent. I hear their voices and see the performer, and I often think “How does that voice come from that person?” I love to see the talents that were previously hidden from me. This performance is not what I expect from certain people in the choir. This group is made up of many beautiful voices. Some are highlighted. All play a part.
Contributions of each vocalist add to the excellent delivery. The beautiful voices revealed in this rendition are a pleasure to hear and experience. Their delivery is refreshing. Each one is unique and suggest qualities an characteristics that were not initially obvious.
The personalities and passion of the choir members—whether delivering a solo performance or contributing to the background music—is significant and an important part of the whole. Each choir member adds unique qualities to the excellence of the performance. Even the small children in the front row are learning from their colleagues. Teachers and tutors mentor them along. Their part may be small, but they are involved and play an important role.
The rendition is moving, powerful, and brilliant. The song is touching; the music, inspiring; the message, uplifting.
I never get tired of this song and rendition. Did you catch the message? The lyrics articulate well the meaning, which is captured in the last stanza of the song “And there are melodies in each one of us. Oh, it’s glorious.”
That’s not just the message of this song. That is ultimately message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. And when we do family history work, we apply these same characteristics to our work. The symphony of life and love is revealed before us, one name at-a-time.
Each one of us plays a part in completing a portion of the overall picture, even though we may feel deficient. Our families would not be the same without all the characters in the cast. We are all still learning and technologies constantly change. When I was young, I could keep up with them.
Now they whiz by before I realize what is happening. But that is OK. I often think of the scripture counsel “It is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength.” Whatever we can do is a start. Our efficiency will develop as we progress.
27 And see that all these things are done in wisdom and order; for it is not requisite that a man should run faster than he has strength. And again, it is expedient that he should be diligent, that thereby he might win the prize; therefore, all things must be done in order.
- Contributions – All of the contributors make a difference. Perspective is refreshing. The wealth of information and knowledge is available to and benefits us all.
- Personalities and passion – We are surrounded by interesting and worthwhile people. The gospel of Jesus Christ makes us and our families the best we can be. Our potential is magnified and realized beyond our fondest dreams through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. We see evidence of that in our lives and have hope in the promises of eternity.
- Mentors – Jesus said except ye become as small children in the front row are learning from their colleagues—teachers and tutors help them along.
- Moving, powerful, and brilliant – The song is touching. The music, inspiring. The message, uplifting.
- Meaning – Did you catch the message? The lyrics articulate well the meaning, which is captured in the last phrase of the song “In each one of us, oh, it’s glorious.”
Family history is like a symphony. Each one contributes by playing his part, which when combined together with others produces a beautiful composition and tells a story—the story of your roots—and why you are who you are today.
I admire those with beautiful voices and melody with the ability to sing the descant with power, passion, and perfection. Likewise, sometimes witnessing their delivery and participating in the joy that comes from their message is… (participation in family history saves lives)
The Message of the Restoration
Invitation to Know the Gospel of Jesus Christ
“Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” Matt. 18:3
Walter Penning
In 1989, Walter Penning formed a consultancy based in Salt Lake City and empowered his clients by streamlining processes and building a loyal, lifetime customer base with great customer service. His true passion is found in his family. He says the best decision he ever made was to marry his sweetheart and have children. The wonderful family she has given him and her constant love, support, and patience amid life's challenges is his panacea.
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