We as Mormons believe the prophets. Whether those prophets are ancient ones or current ones, we believe them and that they speak the Lord’s word. We base this on the scripture in Amos 3:7:
“Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.”
Does this not speak of love from God himself? That He would teach us, warn us, help us in such a manner? For truly there will be terrible things happening just prior to Christ’s return to earth. Terrible judgments are coming for those who insist on hurting others and themselves through sinful living. But the Lord desires that those who love Him and seek to follow Him be forewarned. So He does forewarn His children, and He does so through His mouthpieces, the prophets.
In fact, that day of coming is referred to as both great and terrible – great for those who look forward to that coming and terrible for those who hate God and His ways.
For those who will live through those times, there will be an intensity of experience. It is for this reason the Lord warns His people to watch and to be prepared.
This is why we as Mormons are always speaking of preparedness, whether that preparedness is of a spiritual nature or of a temporal nature. We love the Lord and seek to do His bidding. We are not perfect in our paths, for there is and has been only One who lived on this earth who is perfect, even Jesus Christ the Savior and Redeemer of the world.
But we do try. And it is for this purpose we seek preparedness in all things. One of those important ways is through food storage. Another is through education. Another is through service, for how can we get to know the Master if we refuse to live His ways He taught?
Another aspect of preparedness is financial. Still another is strengthening family relationships. There are many, many parts to preparedness. Again this is why preparedness is not a one-time event … it is a lifestyle.
The purpose of this blog is to discuss these matters, to share the words of the prophets with you regarding preparedness, to share ideas and subject matters to help you help your family get ready for the times we face, even today.
And by so living such a lifestyle, by heeding the words of God himself through His prophets, we can please Him by being children He can trust and look to. What a wonderful blessing and opportunity, then, to be prepared for Him.