Elder Bruce R. McConkie stated:
“We do not know when the calamities and troubles of the last days will fall upon any of us individuals or upon bodies of the Saints. The Lord deliberately withholds from us the day and hour of his coming and of the tribulations which shall precede it — all as part of the testing and probationary experiences of mortality. He simply tells us to watch and be ready” Ensign, May 1979, p. 93).
Elder McConkie spoke this nearly thirty years. But the message is every bit as urgent as when this General Authority for our church spoke it back then.
The definition of the word of “calamity” essentially means severe affliction or dire distress. “Trouble” means worry, distress or agitation. These words well describe many conditions in our day.
In fact, read this scripture. It also accurately describes our day:
“And in that day shall be heard of wars and rumors of wars, and the whole earth shall be in commotion, and men’s hearts shall fail them, and they shall say that Christ delayeth his coming until the end of the earth” (D&C 45:26).
Here is another:
“And all things shall be in commotion; and surely, men’s hearts shall fail them; for fear shall come upon all people” (D&C 88:91).
An early prophet also saw our day. We read in the Pearl of Great Price that Enoch,
” … saw the day of the coming of the Son of Man, in the last days, to dwell on the earth in righteousness for the space of a thousand years;
“But before that day he saw great tribulations fear for the judgments of the Almighty God, which should come upon the wicked” (Moses 7:66).
What does this mean to you? To me? For me, it means that our Heavenly Father is aware of what must occur and will occur before the Second Coming of Christ. It is unavoidable that there will be calamities and troubles in the last days, just as Elder McConkie stated. There will be “wars and rumors of wars.” The earth will “be in commotion.” These events are undeniable – both because multiple prophets have described them; also because mankind refuses to hearken to the teaching of Jesus Christ.
But just as those events surround us now, we also have a way out. It comes through following the Savior and His teachings. Even though there are wars and rumors of wars, and all other kinds of commotion in the world today, it is because of the gospel of Jesus Christ that I can find peace in the middle of it all. You can, too. I invite you to learn more.
Al this is true, we see the earth been in commotion every single day. Our Heavenly Father is calling His people to repentance. We need to be aware of what as individuals what we need to do in order to have the protection and peace of our Heavenly Father and to be able to be in this latter days with everything is going on right now. We need to be prepare SPIRITUALLY AND TEMPORALLY before Our Savoir comes again.