As Mormons, or members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we love the scriptures – even the Old Testament. Many people struggle with the Old Testament, confused by the ancient rhetoric of prophets who lived long ago.

Bible Book MormonBut with aid from God, through His modern-day prophets and

Just think about it – three of the world’s religions spring from the Old Testament world: those of Islam, of Judaism, and those especially of Christian faith.

The messages contained within the Old Testament are priceless gems for those who are willing to polish personal scripture study of it with prayer and sincere effort.

Here are a few samples of knowledge gained from Old Testament study. There are actually more, but here are three to whet your spiritual appetite!

1. The testimony of the existence of God …

2. The history of the beginnings of mankind as a divine race placed on the earth for eternal, divine purposes …

10. The way by which the Saints can escape the major destructions of the last days …

These are just a few of the many powerful strengths of knowledge to be found in the Old Testament. This list is contained in the Church’s student manual as an aid to the Old Testament.

So although some might find the Old Testament to be hard to understand, it is not once you begin studying it in the right light. One of the best ways to do so is to use the online manuals offered for free by the Mormon church. I’ll share that link at the end, but just know how excited I am for you to experience and explore the rich stories contained in the Old Testament.

Just think! These men and women really lived! They were mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, like us today. They had desires and dreams and difficulties, just like we do. But in some ways they were different than those around them during their time. These faithful individuals chose to put God first. And because they did so, we can read of amazing blessings and opportunities.

The children of Israel saw miracles: the miracle of the parting of the Red Sea, the miracle of manna, the miracle of water coming from a rock when they were ready to faint with thirst. But the children of Israel also rejected the God of Israel and as a result wandered for 40 years before being allowed to enter their promised land.

How often do we wander in this life, forgetting the One who created this world and who gave us spiritual life? It is for this reason I love to read the Old Testament, because as I read I am reminded of God’s patience with all His children, who waits until they realize that indeed they need His help and His tutoring. If He could be patient with the wayward children of Israel so long ago, certainly He can be patient with me! This, then, is what studying the Old Testament does for me.

Here is a link to the Old Testament online and to the accompanying Old Testament student manual. I invite you to explore them. I think you’ll love the experience.

About Cindy B

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