How do you recharge your spiritual battery? My friend Rachel Makaiwi-Tuiasosopo took the battery metaphor to a profound conclusion. Not only are there times we need a recharge, but there may be varying degrees and ways to do it.
From Rachel:
Not long ago, my car would not start while I was out running errands. My first instinct was that the battery was drained. I attempted to jump start my car. No matter what we did, my car just would not start.
After some time and several failed attempts, I didn’t know what else to do and thought the issue was something more, so I called for a tow truck.
Upon his arrival, the tow truck driver was also sure that the issue was the battery. He brought out a special car battery charger and my car was up and running within minutes.
I was frustrated and embarrassed. I had done this so many times before! I knew what I was doing. Why didn’t the car start when I tried to jump it?
The tow truck driver said there may be many reasons, but sometimes it just doesn’t work unless you have certain tools. Or maybe it was just time for me to get a new battery. After my battery failed again an hour later, I bought a new battery. And a person who I never expected to be good with cars helped me change my battery with ease.
Recharging Our Spiritual Battery
On our earthly journey, sometimes our spiritual batteries get drained. At times, we just need a quick and easy jump start to get going again. We might get rejuvenated by reading our scriptures, going to church, or partaking of the sacrament.
Other times, we may need a little more to recharge our spiritual batteries. Maybe we need to go to the temple, challenge ourselves with something out of our comfort zone, serve a little more, or allow ourselves to be served. And yet other times, our spiritual batteries might be so drained, we just need to start anew or need someone with certain gifts and keys to help us get started again.
We are not expected to always know what to do, to always be perfect, or to always have all the answers. Even when we try our best to do the little things to maintain our spiritual well-being, we may face challenging times.
It is truly inspired that every six months, we are blessed with the opportunity to participate in General Conference. As we listen to our leaders, we can receive answers to lift us up when we are feeling overburdened, drained, or in need of inspiration. I testify that those who speak are called of God for this time and for this purpose.
We are blessed to have living prophets who lead and guide our church with continuing revelation. I challenge you to listen to the talks, charge up your spiritual batteries, and then go out and drive with purpose to do the work that you have been foreordained to do.
Delisa Hargrove
I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I have moved 64 times and have not tired of experiencing this beautiful earth! I love the people, languages, histories/anthropologies, & especially religious cultures of the world. My life long passion is the study & searching out of religious symbolism, specifically related to ancient & modern temples. My husband Anthony and I love our bulldog Stig, adventures, traveling, movies, motorcycling, and time with friends and family.