Ugh. The cold bug has hit our home, and it is not pretty. Before I had a Holy Home (a home focused on creating, as D&C 109:8 commands us, a house of prayer, fasting, faith, and so on), when any of us got sick, I felt a big amount of stress. Anything that threw off my regular routine brought me a great deal of anxiety. If I was sick, I couldn’t meet my daily responsibilities! I couldn’t clean my house like I wanted, I couldn’t make dinner, etc. I understood that logically, but rather than sitting (or rather, lying) in bed focusing on getting better, I was stressed by the tasks going undone.
I had my sweet husband who helped immensely, but instead of feeling grateful, I felt guilt. If a neighbor wanted to bring over a meal, I felt guilt AND shame. Two of the WORST emotions to exist, in my opinion! But one day, I woke up and realized that a Holy Home accepts help. A holy woman knows she cannot do everything, and that is ok. We aren’t meant to. Heavenly Father sent us a Savior for help. And while my Savior can help with my feelings and emotions, He physically cannot cook dinner for me, nor pick up the kids from school. That is when, and why, the Lord sends earthly angels to help us.
If we become so worried about what “everyone” will think or let ourselves be consumed by feelings of guilt and stress, not only are we losing out on blessings, but we are preventing others from receiving them as well. When we do not accept help from others, we rob them of the opportunity to act on a prompting and, in turn, we prevent them from serving their God, too. As the scriptures say in Matthew 25:40:
“And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”
If there is one thing I’ve learned as a young mother, it’s that raising a family truly takes a village. I have seen so many miracles, angels, and blessings come into my life as I let go of my worldly stubbornness and allow more love, service, and holiness into my home and family. I have also seen them as I have served others. I have developed compassion, connection, charity, and love—all things I would not have gained without letting go and letting God.
I am currently experiencing my first rodeo of taking care of three children (including a newborn) while being under the weather. It is not an easy task! But when a neighbor offered to bring a meal, I accepted—and I did so gratefully and graciously, knowing that God is watching over me and that His hand is in everything. When I accept that help and allow others to serve, I bring that spirit of holiness into my home. When I serve in return, it radiates to the ones I serve as well—it becomes a pay-it-forward kind of thing.
I’d like to give a shout-out to all those who reach out and choose to serve our family. Thank you for your kindness, love, and compassion. Thank you for being a servant unto the Lord. Your efforts do not go unnoticed! Thank you for teaching me what it means to accept and give help, and for the relationships we have built because of your kindness and service.
May we all strive to learn how to serve in holy ways. May we learn to receive it, accept it, and radiate it.
Krystal Wilkerson
Krystal is a latter-day mom and Holy Homemaker to 3 beautiful kiddos who is striving to find joy in the everyday trenches of motherhood and life! Her passion is sharing her experience of decluttering with a purpose to help others create a Holy Home where the messes subside and the Spirit resides. She is a lover of books, nature, music, food, the gospel, and all things Texas! Follow her at her website,
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