For some who look at members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (or sometimes called the Mormons), there are often questions. For example, sometimes there are questions about what family life is like for active Mormons.

Mormon FamilyIf you ask any Mormon what they think about families, they will typically tell you . The Mormon church is organized in such a way that it supports, strengthens, and sustains the needs of the family.

The Mormon church has three branches in its organization whose primary focus is to look after the families in a ward (congregation). These organizations are called the Melchizedek priesthood, Relief Society, and the auxiliaries.

The Melchizedek Priesthood organization consists of the Elders’ and the High Priests’ quorums. The men in these two Quorums hold the priesthood and they are assigned families in the congregation for whom they are responsible. It is their responsibility to go out of their way at least once a month to check-up with their assigned families to see how they are doing. This usually consists of one or more visits monthly to the families’ homes.

Families in the church are optimally defined as a husband, wife, and children. However, families can also mean a single parent family or even a single man or woman. Every home in the congregation deserves strengthening and sustaining.

Therefore, whatever the situation may be, each household is assigned a pair of priesthood holders to visit and to help meet the needs of that household. The men are called “Home Teachers.” When they visit the home, they talk to the family members in the home to get to know them and learn about their family. They also share a spiritually related message where it is possible.

Additionally, home teachers are to see what the needs are of each member and how they might best help those family members. And if the family needs more help, the home teachers can bring in the resources of the church to help. These resources can include the Relief Society (an organization for women of the Mormon church) and additional auxiliary organizations for the children.

It has been such a privilege and blessing to be a member of the Mormon church. I had grown up in a different church/denomination. While I enjoyed singing in the youth choir and participating in youth activities, it wasn’t until I became a Mormon that I felt a fuller fellowship in the family and body of Christ.

Of course, we are all human. Therefore, home teachers are going to have faults. Sometimes they might even miss an appointment they’d previously set up. But overall, the home teaching program is there to help strengthen families. And in my experience it has been an awesome thing to have experienced!

Yes, indeed, families matter to the Lord. And families are integral to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons). In fact, one of the church leaders said:

“Brethren, home teaching is not just another program. It is the priesthood way of watching over the Saints and accomplishing the mission of the Church. Home teaching is not just an assignment. It is a sacred calling.”(President Ezra Taft Benson)

To learn more about the Mormon church and families, visit

About Cindy B

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