Family life can contain the most beautiful of experiences or it can contain some of the most horrendous. The Mormon church (the official name of the church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) seeks to aid its members to strengthen their families in Christ-like love.

Mormon FamilyAbuse should never exist. But sometimes it does. That is the reality of life. Sometimes parents were abused as children. They did not learn, while young, how to handle frustration, what to do with anger, and how to avoid hurting others.

But the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ is that there is always the possibility of change, of healing, of growth into new ways. Jesus Christ extends His hand to all who will take it.

The Mormon church leadership strive to help Mormons (and others) find Christ and apply His teachings in the family and personal setting. This is why the church has been so outspoken against the pernicious harm of abuse.

Here is the Mormon church’s definition of abuse:

“Abuse is the treatment of others or self in a way that causes injury or offense. It harms the mind and the spirit and often injures the body as well. It can cause confusion, doubt, mistrust, and fear. It is a violation of the laws of society and is in total opposition to the teachings of the Savior. The Lord condemns abusive behavior in any form – physical, sexual, verbal, or emotional. Abusive behavior may lead to Church discipline.” (“Abuse,”

Sometimes abusive habits have become addictions and will not budge without counseling. Anger management counselors should be sought in cases where a person strikes out in anger. Counseling should also be sought for those who keep reaching for alcohol – even after promising they wouldn’t. Counseling is especially necessary in a similar setting where an individual returns again to view pornography. These all are habits that alone few can break.

The Lord is there for all who seek His help. All sin can be conquered with help from the Master himself. This is why the gospel of Jesus Christ has been called the “Good News.”

Fasting is essential for those who seek to break themselves from unhealthy and harmful habits. Prayer is also urgent in everyone’s lives. Sabbath day worship at church will also aid someone who seeks to improve their lives (here is a meetinghouse locator to find a local congregation). Scripture study is another important aid.

Two scriptures to pray and ponder about regarding the Lord’s perspective of abuse are Matthew 18:1-6 and D&C 121:34-46. And here are several discourses on the same subject which should provide additional light and help:

Personal Worthiness

A Conversation on Spouse Abuse

Save the Children

Healing the Tragic Scars of Abuse

The Wrongful Road of Abuse

Yes, indeed, the Lord desires His people to love one another and to aid one another in returning to His presence. If you know anyone who struggles with abuse, please invite them to read each of the above discourses in addition to the linked scriptures above. Invite them to begin fasting, praying, and studying scriptures. These activities will invite a spirit of humility, which in turn, will allow the Lord Jesus Christ to change their very being. A counselor to aid in the process is also advised.

About Cindy B

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