Sometimes we struggle in life. All of us do. Life holds many wonders, but along the way through life we also experience a variety of upsets.

Frustration can lead to angry outbursts. I find it helpful to study the word of God to help me understand my frustrations and to help me avoid angry outbursts.

book mormonThe Book of Mormon is a book of holy verse that acts as a companion to the Bible in witnessing of Jesus Christ. Just like God called ancient prophets near Jerusalem (whose words we have recorded in the Bible), God also called ancient American prophets here in the Americas. Makes sense. Why would God – who is an impartial God – only share His teachings with one small subset of His children?

I love the Book of Mormon. It contains the words of the ancient American prophets. I love being able to use it as a resource and aid to my study of the Bible. As Mormons we study both books and revere both as the word of God. And in the Book of Mormon we can read of the power of God’s word.

“And now, as the preaching of the word had a great tendency to lead the people to do that which was just – yea, it had had more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than the sword, or anything else, which had happened unto them – therefore Alma thought it was expedient that they should try the virtue of the word of God” (Alma 31:5).

We too can experience this power, the power of God’s word, in our own lives. All we need do is study it. And as we study the scriptures, we become transformed by them.

Think of an ink pad that has been fully inked. Anything pressed against it will leave the experience with inky residue. Nearly any experience in life is similar. If we hang around people with sour opinions, we tend to start picking up dour attitudes ourself. If we associate with upbeat people, full of optimism and enthusiasm, we begin to have a better glimpse of what they see and the chances are, it will rub off on us!

Associating fully with the word of God is the same. The more we study of His ways, the more we will get to know Him. The more we get to know Him, the more His ways become appealing to us. He is a God of love after all!

The more His ways appeal to us, the more they begin to transform us into children of God, individuals who live holy lives, who make covenants, and who have found the greatness of joy He offers!

The scriptures indeed are like a very fully inked ink-pad. The more we “press” ourselves into them, the more the scriptures will leave their mark.

The good news of all of this is that if we struggle with anger or any other unpleasing vice, the more we study of God’s ways, the more His patient perspective will begin to transform our ways.

I know, because I have experienced this process of change myself. As we can read in “Let Virtue Garnish Thy Thoughts“: “An understanding of true doctrine will help you change your attitudes and behaviors.”

One of the biggest struggles I’ve had to face in this life is impatience. But as I’ve pressed myself more fully into the scriptures, I’m learning of God’s ways and becoming transformed by the experience!

Sometimes we do struggle in life. But I find that when I study the word of God, His truths help me understand my frustrations and help me avoid angry outbursts or other unpleasant scenes. Truly the gospel of Jesus Christ is amazing.

Here is a link to online scriptures. Enjoy reading the word of God!

About Cindy B

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