In this world that is drenched with sexual images and commodities, what is a parent to do to strengthen their child (and even themselves) against this onslaught? It is a rampant problem, one that appears to be worsening.

My husband a few years back attended a conference for mental health counselors and psychologists. The focus of the conference was helping clients overcome pornography addiction. During the lectures and workshops of the conference, my husband learned many important things to help those he counsels with sexual addiction issues. But one of the most startling facts shared at the conference was the new target market for porn companies are the 7- to 12- year-olds! Nothing beautiful, “artistic,” nor entertaining about that!

mormon boysThis fact was shocking to me. It is more than appalling. I don’t know how those who work for that industry face themselves in the mirror each morning. Most historians will tell you that a country that immerses itself in sexual promiscuity eventually self-destructs, whether internally or through external stronger forces.

My husband also shared with me that an additional report stated that the original funding for picture-capable cell phones came from pornography companies. And it makes sense (at least to them); pornography can be so addicting that if you bring porn to the young, they become the porn companies’ customers for a lifetime.

So in the midst of all of this, what is a parent to do? Here are three suggestions:

1. Understand What Pornography Is.

Here is a simple definition of “pornography”:

“Pornography is any material depicting or describing the human body or sexual conduct in a way that arouses sexual feelings.”

Regardless if some people call it art or entertainment, this definition of pornography could not be clearer!

2. Understand the Lord’s Perspective On Pornography.

The Lord speaks to us through his servants and prophets (see Amos 3:7). Elder Richard G. Scott clearly states:

“Whether it be through the printed page, movies, television, obscene lyrics, the telephone, or on a flickering personal computer screen, pornography is overpoweringly addictive and severely damaging” (”The Sanctity of Womanhood,” Ensign, May 2000, 36-38).

Our most recent prophet President Gordon B. Hinckley, prior to his death, said:

“Stay away from pornography as you would a serious disease. It is as destructive” (”Living Worthy of the Girl You Will Someday Marry,” Ensign, May 1998, 49-51).

Links are also listed below for these two powerful discourses from God’s servants. They provide a start to help understand the Lord’s perspective and rationale on the dangers of pornography.

3. Make Use of Fasting, Scriptures Study, Prayer and Service.

As we work with our children, it is essential we arm them with the very real and effective tools of Fasting, Scripture Study, Prayer, and Service. We can help them find their power to overcome anything when they (and we) make use of these aids given us from God.

4. Get Help When Stuck.

A friend once told me that only the strong seek help. His comment stuck in my mind and has continued to register through the years. Truly, those who care will seek aid when they are struggling with anything, for they recognize the possibility of a brighter day. Church leaders are there to help anyone who struggles. The church has set up its own gentle 12-step program to help those who find themselves in the clutches of sexual addictions. The world is so much brighter when we are free of the chains Satan would bind us with.

It is urgent, given the conditions in the world today, to help our children understand the importance of getting help with struggling with anything, even (and especially) pornography. Because at times, experiences will broadside us when we least expect it. My husband, through counseling many clients, now has the perspective that most people on this earth will at some time or another be faced with a pornographic image. That’s when we immediately turn off the computer, walk away, and immerse ourselves in the things of the Spirit to renew our souls.

We can help our children find joy in this world as we follow the Lord’s plan and keep ourselves free from the entanglements that some would like to ensnare us with!

About Cindy B

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