As Mormons, we believe in strengthening the family. And as members of the Mormon church (officially known as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), we receive great help from the Church in that desire.

Jesus Christ MormonOne of the ways the church helps us strengthen our families is through the auxiliary organizations of the church. These auxiliaries consist of the Primary (children ages 18 months to 12 years), the Young Men (ages 12 to 18 years), and Young Women (ages 12 to 18 years).

The focus of these auxiliaries is to help each youth in the church. The leaders in these organizations focus on encouraging and supporting the kids in the families of the church. Besides the regular church services, these organizations support kids through activities that involve the youth with other kids their ages and through service projects for people both inside and outside of the church.

Each organization has adults who mentor the youth leaders. They include activities such as the Boy Scouts of America. The youth are taught to follow a set of standards that are well-delineated in a booklet called, “For the Strength of Youth.”

It is important to note that no leader in any organization of the Church, including the Prophet himself, has any authority in the home of a family other than the Father and Mother. These organizations are simply called to be there as a support to the family and to support the roles of the parents in the family. All of this is an effort to help the parents lead their families back to God.

A leader in the First Presidency of the Church, President Henry B. Eyring shared more of the vision of these organizations and the importance of their service in his talk “Rise to Your Call.” He gave this council:

“You are called to represent the Savior. Your voice to testify becomes the with the opportunity to choose eternal life. So, your calling is to bless lives. That will be true even in the most ordinary tasks you are assigned and in moments when you might be doing something not apparently connected to your call. Just the way you smile or the way you offer to help someone….”

The doctrine of the Mormon church is to help its members learn of Christ. The purpose of the Mormon church also exists to support the family and to help it be able to be bonded together and strong enough to last through this life and into the eternities. Feel free to visit this link if you would like to strengthen your family.

About Cindy B

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