I have the privilege of teaching early morning Mormon seminary. Seminary is a terrific opportunity to participate in each day. During the daily seminary hour teens study the scriptures in a classroom setting under the guidance of a seminary teacher. As stated at the Church’s website, BeSmart.com, “Seminary will give you gospel knowledge and insights that will be invaluable in college and beyond.”

jesus christ mormonIn some locations Mormon seminary classes are offered during the day, and high school kids can opt to take seminary then. But in other areas, the only time seminary is taught is in the wee hours of the morning before most people even get up.

I have the privilege of serving as one of those early morning seminary teachers; it is a privilege to study the gospel of Jesus Christ with today’s terrific teens. And often as I return home each day, after seminary, I’ll pause in my car and take a few moments to think. Usually I’ll open my scriptures to ponder what I might find there.

Today my scriptures fell open to

As I sat in my car, I mused on the power of this verse. Can you imagine a world of individuals with reverence for the Messiah? Can you imagine society so fully converted to Jesus Christ and His teachings that no-one would be ashamed of living His word or His ways?

Then we could all experience the “power of God unto salvation.” What a society that would be!

But our world is not there yet. There are still those who ridicule all things Christian. And there are still those who have not yet heard of Him who saves. That is why sharing the good news of the gospel is so essential. If you yourself had not heard about the gentle love and kindness of Christ – and all He holds out to you – wouldn’t you want someone to share that with you?

This is why, for me, daily scripture study is so important – because potent verses will touch my heart and highlight impressions in my mind to serve others and to carry the word of the Lord to others – just like Romans 1:16 did for me today in the New Testament.

In the very next verse, verse 17 to be precise, we read that “the just shall live by faith.” And how true this is. Until we can all come to the same understanding – that God is real and that He has a plan for each one of us – it can be challenging to live in today’s society.

But as we live in faith, as we study God’s word in the scriptures, and as we manifest that faith through good and kind application of those very scriptures, not only are we ourselves strengthened, but we also are making it possible for more and more to know of Christ, His ways, and His joyful gifts He waits to give everyone!

This is the power of the scriptures … and especially the power of Romans 1:16 as it came to me today. So glad I took the time to read it after teaching seminary so early in the morning!

(To learn more about seminary, feel free to visit here or here. To visit the scriptures, click here.)

About Cindy B

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