I felt disheartened today when I read a news report from USAToday.com. Although I must say that I was not very surprised by the article.

The article reported that religion is in flux and, in some sense, in decline. Again, not that this should be surprising. Read any of the Biblical prophecies of what life will be like during the last days; the time described is one of flux.

Mormon General ConferenceIn fact, we read in the scriptures, whether in the Old Testament, New Testament, the Book of Mormon, or the Doctrine & Covenants, that men’s hearts will fail them in the last days. (Although it is important to remember, the evils and horrors of the day are not here presently because God has placed them here. They exist because the hearts of men are waxing cold due to sinful deeds. And the more an individual sins, the more the heart turns cold towards others.)


Go to the dictionary. The word “sin” essentially is defined as reprehensible actions. Not only are certain actions reprehensible in the eyes of God, but they are reprehensible in the eyes of most others. Take stealing, for example. For the person who steals, in their mind stealing gives them something they’ve not had to work toward. He or she feels smug, like they’ve somehow bettered their life.

But in God’s eyes, how does sin in this instance harm them? If we take a longer view, we can better see why stealing is sinful – or in other words, a harmful activity and one that removes us from the spirit of God. A person who steals may have quick access to money, jewels, TVs, etc. that they’ve not paid for. But what about the growth they’ve lost by taking a short cut?

There are growth patterns within a human’s heart and personality that can come by no other means than consistent effort. When a person works towards a goal (such as increasing his financial net worth rather than stealing quick cash), he is so much better off ten years down the road. He has learned habits that will add to the quality of life in many ways, not just in financial matters.

But the world seems focused so often on the quick path. Lie a little, cheat a little. It’s all good. But that’s the problem. It’s not all good. That pathway, although initially easy, leads to weakness. Weakness makes reprehensible activities that much easier to engage in. And the entire process takes us farther and farther from whom we have the potential to become. And by taking the easy way out, who then is going to sit in church listening to higher, better ways?

So today when I heard of how the state of religion is in flux in the world, it did not surprise me. But it did sadden me. We as God’s children are capable of so much more. And we need “religion” or God’s truth to remind us of better, more glorious choices than so many seem willing to make. The Lord calls prophets to teach us the truth. Hopefully more and more will listen to that truth, but if not, at least you can and know the peace that living honest and well brings.

To learn more, simply visit Mormon.org.

About Cindy B

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