I’m going to speak from my heart here for a moment. As Mormons, we believe in the eternal significance of families. In fact, that belief shapes nearly everything we do as we seek to follow Jesus Christ, the Savior and Redeemer of mankind.

mormon familyHere is a great explanation about our perspective on families, quoted from the website Mormon.org:

The family is the fundamental unit of society and the primary setting in which children develop virtue. God has placed families at the center of His eternal plan for the happiness of His children.

I have to tell you, my experience being a Mormon has enriched my ability to be a better mother and a better spouse. I wasn’t raised as a Mormon. So the experience has been one in extreme contrast.

But as I’ve become more deeply involved in my Mormon faith, the results have been profound. The Mormon.org site shares the following and I’ve experienced it!

Home should be a haven, free from the conflicts of the outside world – a place where everyone feels safe, respected, and accepted.

What the Mormon.org site says is true. Through the gospel of Jesus Christ and the teachings I’ve learned within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (often called the Mormon church), I’ve learned so much. I’ve learned to be a better mother. I’ve learned how to serve those around me. My heart has been softened to the things of God. Jesus’ teachings have enhanced my sensitivity to things of the Spirit.

I know that for some who are on the outside looking in, these might seem large claims. But I testify they are true. Within the Mormon faith as I’ve learned about the Savior Jesus Christ and all He has done for me, my heart celebrates as I feel the Holy Ghost (sometimes called the Holy Spirit) move within me. The Lord is blessing my life as I apply His teachings in my life, and I’m so grateful for it.

So as you look at your own family, you too can have peace within the walls of your home. It may not be easy at times, but is anything worthwhile ever truly without effort?

I promise you that as you contact the missionaries of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, they will teach you of greater happiness than you may have yet experienced. As you apply the teachings they will share with you, you too can experience the joy that I now know as a Mormon.

Jesus Christ is real. He loves us. And families are given so that we can know a fullness of joy. He has taught us how to achieve that. Are you ready to start? Simply go to this link and click on the “Ask a Question” button at the upper right of the screen.

About Cindy B

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