Dear Friends,
As I reflect on the events that I’ve been a witness to in my lifetime, I can’t help but recall the famous opening line from A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” I also can’t help but feel as if Dickens was writing about the 21st century for I honestly believe that in many ways, these are the best of times, but they are also the very worst of times.

Mormon FamilyWhen I look at the advances that have come about just in my own lifetime, I’m truly amazed at the gift of intellect that man is blessed with. I marvel at the leaps and bounds with which we’ve progressed in just a matter of a few short years. When I was a young girl, television (when one was able to afford one) was black and white, and the closest thing we had to a telephone at home was the one phone booth in town which was several miles away.

Those days when I wanted to write a family member in another country, I’d write on a piece of paper, put it in an envelope, add a stamp and mail it. Hopefully, I’d know within a couple of weeks if they’d received it or not. Today, I can simply pick up any number of phones I have at my disposal and call them. The Internet has enabled me to even send off a quick email and usually be able to hear back from them within a matter of hours or even minutes. We’ve made similar strides in most other fields as well. It is indeed an amazing time to be alive – the best of times, if you will.

Unfortunately, it is also the worst of times. We see more broken families today than ever before. We see evidences of all kinds of abuse everyday. Immorality abounds around us, in fact, it is almost revered in some circles today. Pornography is a deadly vice that seems to have a steady and increasing hold on many, including our young people. The same Internet that has made so many other wonderful things possible is also the conduit for so much that can be destructive. Studies point to the ease of access afforded by the Internet as a major contributor to the increase in pornography and child pornography.

The Internet has also made the publication and spreading of rumors and lies so much easier for those who seek to do damage to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its members (also known as Mormons). Misinformation and half-truths about the Church are common on the Internet. It is small wonder then that many who seek for the truth about the Church sometimes feel confused and unsure. My friends, if this is you, I ask you to be careful about which voices you listen to, especially online. I understand that you need as much information as you can get about the Church. However, please be wary of where that information is coming from.

As a friend, I invite you to visit a couple of sites about the Church. This first site is an official Church site. It will give you an idea of our beliefs and teachings. The next site I want to suggest to you is This is not an official Church site. Instead, it is a site hosted by faithful members of the Church. This site will put you in touch with You can post questions to both of these sites.

I want to share my testimony of Jesus Christ and of the Gospel with you as well. I know that Jesus is the Christ. He is my Savior and my Redeemer. I know that God lives and that He loves us so much. I know that this is the restored Church of Jesus Christ. My life is what it is because of my relationship with my Savior and my membership in the Church.

My dear friends, I hope that you all know how very special we all are in His eyes for we are all children of God. I pray that if you are wondering about the beliefs and teachings of the Mormon Religion, that you will also go to our Lord, and then have the courage to follow the promptings of the Spirit. Remember, we are promised in Mathew 21:22; “And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive.”

With Love,


About Moira T

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