Sometimes we may feel that we make little difference in the world as we go through our normal daily lives and schedules. Sometimes we’re knee deep in diaper duty (or should I say doodee?)that we wonder how we can possibly build the kingdom of God here on earth. Remembering that great scripture in Doctrine & Covenants 64:33 can help us keep things in perspective: “Out of small things proceedeth that which is great.”

Mormon Family FunDo we really understand the power of the small things we do and the effect they have on the people around us and on the eternities? To you, washing the dishes may seem like a chore, but to someone it may represent one of the many ways you show love for them. To you, dusting the furniture may seem like a thankless task, but for someone in your family it might be a part of the beautiful home you created for them to enjoy each day.

So it is with missionary work. To you, waving hello at your neighbor as you pull out of your driveway may just be a common courtesy, but to your neighbor it could be a witness that someone good in this world cares about them. Every time you help in your child’s classroom or treat a co-worker to lunch or bring donuts into the office you’re showing the world what a Mormon is. Those small and simple things are acts of kindness and goodness that build the kingdom.

President Kimball once said “It should be clear to us that usually we must warm our neighbors before we can warn them properly. Surely, ‘it becometh every man who hath been warned to warn his neighbor’—and to warm them in natural, friendly ways.” (“Regional representatives’ seminar, Sept. 30, 1976, Archives of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2) So if all you have time for today is to say something kind to your neighbor, remember that you ARE doing missionary work!

About Trina B

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