Other times it is very easy. In the Book of Mormon, we find the ancient American prophet, Nephi, beseeching the Lord in a tender, beautiful prayer known as Nephi’s Psalm. During that prayer, Nephi offers his thoughts about relying on the Lord, rather than man:
O Lord, I have trusted in thee, and I will trust in thee forever. I will not put my trust in the arm of flesh; for I know that cursed is he that putteth his trust in the arm of flesh. Yea, cursed is he that putteth his trust in man or maketh flesh his arm. (2 Nephi 4:34)
Nephi suffered greatly at the hands of his brothers, Laman and Lemuel. They tortured him, tried to kill him, tried to rid themselves of their troublesome little brother. They were wicked men who turned fully and completely from God, despite the numerous miracles they witnessed, despite the humility of their father, Lehi, and brother, Nephi, they simply chose to never turn from the ways of man.
Nephi chose, even tightly bound to a mast and left to die by his brothers, to rely on the Lord and he was delivered. The Lord never let Nephi down, at any time in his life, never. And He never lets us down either.
Jesus Christ proved His love of us in the Garden of Gethsemane and in again on Golgotha. And when we are faced with the greatest trials or are carrying the heaviest of burdens, if we turn to Him, putting our trust in the arm of the Lord, our burdens WILL be lighter. Our trials, although rough, will be overcome and we will be stronger for it.
When major and important decisions come before me, I would never make a decision without kneeling first to be certain it is the proper path for me to take.
Did I pray about going to Ricks College when I was 18? Without question and it was there my desire to become a prosecutor was turned to the knowledge that I was to pursue writing. At Ricks, which is now BYU-Idaho I formed lifelong friendships I still treasure.
Did I pray about going to BYU after finishing at Ricks? Yes, absolutely I did. At BYU is where I met Alvin, my sweetheart and husband, and hosts of lifelong friends who are still a part of my life today. Oh, and I obtained a stellar education in the process.
Did I pray about whether I should begin writing books instead of focusing on forming my own production company and making movies? Certainly. And here I am, five books under my belt and more on the way. It has sent me in a direction I never anticipated my life would go.
Once I became a published author did I pray about still pursuing a movie career, as a screenwriter? Of course I did, and now I have accepted a partnership in a movie production company. An opportunity which never would have come my way had I not been a published author.
The point I make is not to brag of my own successes, but to show you the path I have trod in my life is not the one I had planned for myself, but rather the one the Lord planned for me and without question, I am ecstatic I followed His plan instead of mine. I love my life and wake up every day grateful to be doing what I’m doing, married to the man I love and able to testify of God and His gospel on a daily basis. Life is good.
Oh, did you translate that to mean perfect? My life is far from perfect and if there were things I could change tomorrow, I’d do so. But then no one’s life is perfect, and it is what we make of what the Lord has given that proves our mettle.
So my friend, rely on the Lord. For in doing so, you will find great and unexpected treasure in places you never would have gone, had you not asked.