In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ Ye Shall Have My Words literacy manual it says:
We learn from the writings of Moses that God created Adam and Eve. He also gave them their language. Using this language, angels taught Adam and Eve the gospel (see Moses 5:58.) They wrote what they were taught, and they were taught to write “according to the pattern given by the finger of God.” (Moses 6:46) … The writings of Adam and Eve were handed down from generation to generation. (Ye Shall Have My Words, Intellectual Reserve, Inc, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1993 vi)
Mormons are a literate people, and yet in our congregations across the world are people who do not know how to read. mentioned above, Ye Shall Have My Words, to help teach those in the Church who do not know how, to read.
The scriptures of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were given to us by the power of God. They written to help perfect His children. Many of His children, however, are unable to read the scriptures that God promised to bring forth. Without this ability, they struggle to fulfill their responsibilities to preach the gospel, perfect the Saints, and redeem the dead. (Ye Shall Have My Words, Intellectual Reserve, Inc, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1993 vi)
Our prophets have encouraged all of us to become educated; to study the scriptures, both ancient and modern, for ourselves; to pray and know for ourselves what is true and what is not.
Our Lord and Savior wants us to be a literate people. There is no shame in illiteracy, the only shame remains when you do nothing about it. Please keep an eye out for those around you who appear to struggle when asked to read, or refuse all together. If you feel they might need some help, pray about talking to them yourselves or talk to someone they respect. The best thing we can do for anyone is to teach them how to read so they learn things for themselves.
The word of God is so precious in our lives. Thousands have died so that you could have it sitting in your home collecting a little dust. How about dusting it off, opening it up and start your day with knowledge from the beginning of time as we know it.