Oh, there’s sunshine, blessed sunshine
When the peaceful, happy moments roll.
When Jesus shows His smiling face,
There is sunshine in the soul.
(LDS Hymn #227)

christus-jesus-christ-mormonIt’s difficult for me to find the words to express the feelings in my heart at this moment. This hymn says it all.

I love my Savior. I am grateful for Him.

I have lived a hard life and made many mistakes along the way. When I sat by my mom’s bedside while she lay dying, my mom felt such fear and dread at what might lay beyond the veil for her. She did not have confidence in her salvation. We read Psalm 27 over and over again in hopes that it would bring her comfort, and many times she asked me to pray out loud for her. She felt her own prayers might not be heard.

The cause of my mom’s heartache was her own shame over the choices she had made in her life. While she longed for forgiveness and a place in the Father’s Kingdom, she felt unworthy to ask for it.

I, too, have made many mistakes that made me feel unworthy of my Father’s love. I feared He could not love me, or want to claim me as His own. However, since the missionaries taught me about the Plan of Happiness, my life has been changed – I have been changed.

I now know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that my Father loves me – He always loves me. Would a loving Father turn His back on a lonely and wayward child? No. Nor will your Father in Heaven. Because of our Savior’s atonement, freedom from sin can be ours. Because of His sacrifice for us, we are worthy, we are clean, to enter into our Father’s presence once again.

Because the Great Gardner tends His garden in my heart daily, there is always sunshine.

About Ali C

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