Do you know why I write for this blog? I think it’s because Heavenly Father knew I would need a daily, constant, reminder of how to be happy because a lot of trials would be coming my way. I don’t want to bore you with my troubles. I hope you will take my hand and walk with me on this journey, in our mutual quest for happiness.

Mormon aidToday I had the opportunity to serve with the young women of our Stake, which is a large group of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (or Mormons). All I knew of the event was that we would be “helping young women in Africa” and that as secretary in the Young Women auxiliary of my local branch of the Church, I was pretty much expected to be there. Mormon beliefs teach that because we are all spirit children of a Heavenly Father, we have a duty and obligation to serve our brothers and sisters here on earth. But because my own problems seemed so overwhelming, I found it hard to be there, to smile and appear happy for the girls. I felt like my world was falling apart, so I had determined to leave at my earliest convenience.

Our leader announced the service project and what it entailed. We would be making reusable sanitary napkins for the young women in a small village in Kenya. The girls in this village cannot afford to buy such necessities and as a result they are not able to attend school for up to a week during their monthly cycle. After six months or so many of the girls stop returning to school because the accumulated time lost is just too much and they fall too far behind their peers. As I listened to the description of their need, tears filled my eyes and the Spirit reminded me that I have yet so much for which to be thankful. My heart opened to the gentle promptings of the Spirit and my countenance changed. I now felt glad to be there and happy for the opportunity to bless the young women of Kenya in such a personal and valuable way.

President Kimball, a former leader and prophet for the Church, said:

“” (The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, ed. Edward L. Kimball [1982], 252.)

Giving service willingly is a key to enduring happiness. I know that I was blessed for this opportunity to step outside of myself for a couple hours and strive to help meet the needs of another who I will never know. Her life though, will be slightly better because of the time and effort I gave today. Knowing that, I am happy!

About Ali C

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