and Truth?

If one were to believe some of the rhetoric that is pervasive on the Internet and the media today, one would come to think that Mormons are not Christians. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Jesus Christ Lamb MormonIt is surprising for those of us who are faithful members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (or Mormons as we’re sometimes called) to read and hear these comments because we are Christians to the core. All of us who have been baptized and become members of the Church have promised to take upon ourselves the name of Jesus Christ, that we will always remember Him, and will keep His commandments. These are sacred promises to us and we try extremely hard to keep them. We renew these promises every Sunday when we partake of the Sacrament.

Times such as these can be challenging for those who are sincerely seeking for the truth about the Mormon Religion. For faithful Mormons everywhere, these kinds of comments wound us deeply. It is amazing to me that even those who call themselves servants of God encourage and perpetuate such a falsity. How can one who calls himself ordained of God say such things? Do their words portray the teachings of Christ? From where I sit, their words spread hate, bigotry and intolerance.

Their actions are a far cry from the teachings of the Savior who taught “thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” (Mark 12:31) Their words and deeds are a far cry from the teachings of Mormon leaders. It was the Prophet Joseph Smith himself who despite being persecuted for what he believed wrote;

We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own cconscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may. (11th Article of Faith)

Elder M. Russell Ballard (of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles) added:

The Lord expects a great deal from us. Parents, please teach your children and practice yourselves the principle of inclusion of others and not exclusion because of religious, political, or cultural differences.

While it is true we declare to the world that the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored to the earth through the Prophet Joseph Smith and we urge our members to share their faith and testimonies with others, it has never been the policy of the Church that those who choose not to listen or to accept our message should be shunned or ignored. Indeed, the opposite is true. President Gordon B. Hinckley has repeatedly reminded us of this special obligation that we have as followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. I quote just one:

“Each of us is an individual. Each of us is different. There must be respect for those differences…We must work harder to build mutual respect, an attitude of forbearance, with tolerance one for another regardless of the doctrines and philosophies which we may espouse. Concerning these you and I may disagree. But we can do so with respect and civility.”

Where can one turn for peace and truth at times like these? The words of this beautiful Hymn speaks to this question.

Where can I turn for peace? Where is my solace
When other sources cease to make me whole?
When with a wounded heart, anger, or malice,
I draw myself apart, Searching my soul?

Where when my aching grows, Where when I languish,
Where, in my need to know, where can I run?
Where is the quiet hand to calm my anguish?
Who, who can understand? He, only One.

He answers privately, Reaches my reaching
In my Gethsemane, Savior and Friend.
Gentle the peace he finds for my beseeching.
Constant he is and kind, Love without end.

He was hated, ridiculed, and even killed for what he taught yet He knew who and what He was and He was willing to suffer it all for us.

Can we do any less for Him? We know who we are and who we follow and a million insults and hateful words will not change that. If you are searching for the truth about the Mormon Religion, I invite you to go to Him with your questions. He alone can soothe your heart and bear witness of the Truth to your heart and mind.

About Moira T

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