Cornerstone of Faith

I remember thinking the day I found my baby in his crib, dead from SIDS, “This can’t be happening to me.” As I blurred through many motions, from calling 911 to letting in the paramedics to going to the hospital behind the ambulance, I continued to...

Created and Made

I watched my little six-year-old play with his new garden two days ago. He’d taken great care to fill the pot with soil. After that, he placed a few rocks to rest a toy house on. Next, he created a little turquoise walkway of colorful mini-stones leading up to a...
Day of the Lord

Day of the Lord

In this world where so many activities happen on Sunday, what is a person to do? How are parents to raise children appropriately up unto the Lord? One of the best ways to strengthen a child is to help them understand the wisdom behind the Lord’s commandments....

The Good Shepherd

There is a hymn that moves me each time I hear it. It is called “Dear to the Heart of the Shepherd.” Even when I first joined the Mormon church (officially called The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), I noticed this hymn. The melody called to...

The Power of Jesus Christ

I’ve been thinking a great deal lately about the power of Jesus Christ. Reason being, I’m a seminary teacher for Mormon high school kids. In fact, I’m an early morning seminary teacher. What this means, is that when most people haven’t even...
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