Successful Families

Successful Families

Successful families use The Book of Mormon to strengthen their home life. The Book of Mormon contains the priceless gospel of Jesus Christ and acts as a companion witness to the Bible as to the divinity of the Savior. Perhaps if the entire world believed...
When the Lord’s Prophet Speaks

When the Lord’s Prophet Speaks

As Mormons, we believe in serving missions; we believe in sharing the good news of the gospel about Jesus Christ and His redemptive offer for all God’s children. I had the privilege during college to serve one of these full-time missions. It was a wonderful...
The Shocking Attacks Against the Family

The Shocking Attacks Against the Family

My birthday month should have been a happy one. But frightening news came of an assault on those least able to defend themselves: the newly born. First a little background. Back in 2005, doctors in the Netherlands openly admitted killing spina bifida babies (a...
Fathers are Essential

Fathers are Essential

I had heard years ago of a study that showed the following facts. I found them quite interesting. Children whose fathers read for enjoyment are 3 times more likely to read for enjoyment than other kids. Children whose mothers read for enjoyment are 2 times more likely...
Family Home Evening

Family Home Evening

There is so much to do and learn in this big wide crazy, yet terrific world we live in. Amidst all those choices are some pretty scary ones. I remember as a young mother, I used to watch my toddler play at the park. Oh, I was so careful to run to his side if he...
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