Beloved President Hinckley

Our dear President Hinckley, prophet for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (sometimes called the Mormon church), passed away Sunday, January 27, 2008. President Hinckley’s passing was marked by many people around the world. For example, youth in certain...

Postmortal Existence of Jesus Christ

In my previous blog, “Antemortal Appearances of Jesus Christ,” I shared some exciting Biblical accounts of those who saw the risen Lord after His crucifixion. In this blog, I desire to share additional witnesses, both immediately after the Lord’s resurrection and in...

Antemortal Appearances of Jesus Christ

As Mormons (or members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) we believe in Jesus Christ. We worship Him and are grateful for His grace toward us. We know that through no other means can we return to the Father save by Jesus Christ. In the Book of Mormon,...
Witnesses of Jesus Christ

Witnesses of Jesus Christ

Apostles serve as very special witnesses for Jesus Christ. As such, they have responsibility to carry the gospel of Christ to every nation. They also, just like the ancient Apostles, are responsible for clarifying gospel truths whenever misunderstandings arise. Elder...
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