After Camelot Falls

I recently had my heart broken. Someone I cared for turned out to not be the person I had hoped they would be. My Camelot fell. While the relationship lasted “there was a spot, for one brief shining moment, that was known as Camelot.” There was love, excitement, and...

Having a Mary Magdalene Day

There are days where I feel sorely misunderstood. Like there is no one in the world who has any idea what it feels like to be me. Everyone sees me for my mistakes and failings and not who I have become and what I can do. And sometimes I wonder if Mary Magdalene ever...

I Need a Yenta

For several years now I have patiently waited for someone to give me the magic formula for how to catch the perfect man. Many friends, strangers and shoe store clerks have offered their two cents on where to find the perfect man, and what I should be wearing when that...
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