Jesus Said Love Everyone

Jesus Said Love Everyone

“Jesus said love everyone. Treat them kindly too. When your heart is filled with love, others will love you.”     Those are the words to a song we teach our youngest children in Primary. It’s a peaceful song, full of hope. It is the opposite of...
When Your Ward Sucks

When Your Ward Sucks

I have to start off by telling you that this is not a rant post.  Keep reading, it will surprise you.   I grew up in the Midwest and on the east coast, in the USA.  And then I moved to Utah.  I learned many things by observing the congregations I was a part of....
The Honking During the Hymn

The Honking During the Hymn

Today at church we had Stake Conference, where many congregations (called Wards) met together.  I think our Stake has 10 congregations all together.  So it was a bigger crowd than on a usual Sunday.  The meeting was very uplifting, and the chance to see friends in...
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