Freedom from Tyranny

Freedom from Tyranny

Freedom is never more than one generation from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. -Ronald Reagan   We are fighting a war. Did you know that?  Yes, it is...
Seeking Help

Seeking Help

I have a friend that I know is struggling, and I really want to help.  She is sweet and inspiring and I have looked up to her for many years.  But for some reason every time I try to visit there is some reason it won’t work out.  She has a dentist appointment,...
Secrets of Mormon Temples

Secrets of Mormon Temples

I have always been inspired by LDS (Mormon) Temples. They are magnificent and stately and made so beautifully. My uncle told me once about how they build temples. While most residential houses are built with walls that aren’t totally straight or tiles that have...
The Dangers of Distraction

The Dangers of Distraction

We have all heard how dangerous it is to drive while distracted.  Hundreds die every year in accidents caused by distracted drivers.  There are billboards along the freeway reminding us that no text is worth dying over. Obviously, I am not the only one distracted by...
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