Places of Security

Places of Security

We all want to feel safe and protected. We all need a place we can go to retreat from the world. I’ve been thinking a lot about what President Russell M. Nelson said about places of security to the women of the Church in the Women’s Session of the October 2020 General...


Many of us have struggled to make sense out of injustice and civil unrest in the midst of a worldwide pandemic. It seems everyone is cranky these days. Quarantine, claustrophobia, record-breaking temperatures, hurricanes, political nastiness, injustice, and civil...
Opposition Builds Faith

Opposition Builds Faith

We were driving across town this morning to run an errand. I mentioned to my husband that I needed to write an article today—and yet again, I had no idea what to write about. I told him that it’s awfully hard to write articles about “Strengthening Our Faith” in times...
Am I Ready to Be Clean?

Am I Ready to Be Clean?

As I was giving my dog, Casper, a bath, he was sitting on his feet. Actually, everything that he could possibly hide from me was underneath him: feet, legs, tail, stomach, etc. He even had his head tucked in tight. The only thing I could reach without a fight was his...
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