by DarEll Hoskisson | Nov 19, 2015 | DarEll S. Hoskisson: Self-Improvement
Treachery. Nothing burns more than a family member or friend who is disloyal. It is true personally and in our families and teams. My oldest daughter is studying law. Because some men have committed horrible crimes, it seems to her like the professors are...
by DarEll Hoskisson | Nov 5, 2015 | DarEll S. Hoskisson: Self-Improvement
Energy, unbidden, floods my mind and body with enthusiastic power. I’m fully engaged. Action flows freely, almost without effort. In fact, it would be nearly impossible to hold it back. I must act, like a wave that must run its course. Unless it doesn’t. I live...
by DarEll Hoskisson | Oct 29, 2015 | DarEll S. Hoskisson: Self-Improvement
My cheeks were red. I could feel the heat, and I didn’t dare open my mouth. She had offended me, again. All the love I generally have in my heart was gone, and I felt defensive and spiteful. What happened? I didn’t enjoy being around this person because I was...
by DarEll Hoskisson | Oct 22, 2015 | DarEll S. Hoskisson: Self-Improvement
“How can I write and write about avoiding over commitment and still find myself having a week like this one?” I wondered, stymied by my apparent lack of following my own directions. It reminds me of Alice in Wonderland where she says, “I give myself very good...
by DarEll Hoskisson | Oct 15, 2015 | DarEll S. Hoskisson: Self-Improvement
“She ran away and didn’t look back. She just kept going. It didn’t matter where to, it was away from. She knew it was crazy, that the feeling would pass, and she’d just have to go back in the morning. But, for now, all that mattered was getting some distance,” I...
by DarEll Hoskisson | Oct 8, 2015 | DarEll S. Hoskisson: Self-Improvement
The threat becomes clear in a moment, perhaps by a phone call, a letter, or a realization. Ours came in the form of a letter. Our homeowners insurance was dropping us. No big deal, right? But our home was underwater (meaning we owed way more than we could sell it...