Become Spiritually Fit and Eternally Happy

Become Spiritually Fit and Eternally Happy

Lately I’ve written a lot on the subject of keeping the commandments as a source of happiness in our lives. You are probably ready for me to move on already! But I read this wonderful quote and thought you might bear with me just one more time.   George Albert...
For I Am Not Ashamed

For I Am Not Ashamed

Years ago, as I was preparing to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I was told a story that had a powerful influence upon not only my mission, but also the rest of my life.   A young man whom I knew was called to serve a mission...
Finding Happiness: Keeping the Commandments

Finding Happiness: Keeping the Commandments

Recently I read a story in the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ, that tells of Nephi and how he and his people “lived after the manner of happiness” (2 Ne 5:27.)   I want to live after the manner of happiness, don’t you? In fact, I’d hazard a...
The Words We Speak and Write

The Words We Speak and Write

This post was originally published in May 2008. Minor changes have been made.   “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.”   Remember this nursery rhyme? Does anyone out there really believe that words can’t hurt us? Words do hurt!...
Finding Silence for Daily Personal Reflection

Finding Silence for Daily Personal Reflection

I have been spending a lot of time lately thinking about—well, time. Where my time is going, if I’m using it effectively, and how I can gain better control over it. All those questions we’re prone to in this fast paced world we live in. In one of my pondering moments...
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