Sugar Coated

Sugar Coated

When does sugar-coating truth change the benefits of truth into something that is no longer good for us?   I absolutely love almonds and the health benefits of almonds are great! Almonds contain fiber, protein, magnesium, vitamin E, and healthy fats. Almonds are...
The Box

The Box

I want you to think of a small, brown, cardboard box. Scrawled on one side, in thick, black marker is Family. Scrawled on another side, in the same oppressive black: Physical Health. On another: Financial Status. On another: Educational Opportunities. On another:...
Missionary Mom’s Club

Missionary Mom’s Club

You know those cool Frank Sinatra Gentlemen’s only clubs? I want a Missionary Mama club. Instead of liquor, there will be chocolate. Instead of dancing girls, there will be honesty. Because, I have discovered that we are a dishonest bunch, we Mormons … we really are....
Flat Missionary

Flat Missionary

Does anyone remember the story of Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown? A little boy goes to sleep and a bulletin board falls on him. When he wakes up, he is flat as a pancake. The children’s book goes through the many adventures befalling Stanley now that he is flat.   We...
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