Expecting the Unexpected

What does preparedness mean to you? As we’ve discussed before, “preparedness” really can mean so very many different things. But in all categories, preparedness seems to imply that you are ready for the unexpected. How does one go about this? How...


Here is what the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (sometimes called the Mormon church) states about “abortion.” “” Pretty straight forward, isn’t it! And a far cry from what so many are bandying about in today’s society....

Parents Can Teach By Example

I recall one day when my daughter was about two-years old. She was eating some lunch at the table and I was tidying up the kitchen when suddenly I heard her say, “Stupid.” I was shocked and distraught. While most people might not consider this to be a bad word, I’ve...

An Outline of the Mormon Young Women Program

The Young Women’s organization of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church) was organized back in 1869. Brigham Young, then president of the Church, began to worry that his daughters and the other young ladies were too caught up in the trends and...
What About My Ancestors?

What About My Ancestors?

If Jesus Christ’s work is so important, what about my ancestors who have never heard of Him? This question used to bother me, until I understood the Lord’s eternal plan. He loves all His children: all those who have lived on the earth, who currently live...
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