When They Fall

When They Fall

Mistakes! We’ve all made them. Some mistakes are easily corrected, others can take quite a lot of time and effort to fix. I’ve made my share of mistakes. I will probably make a few more before my time on this earth is through. Big or small, I can honestly say that...
Teens: Making Weak Things Strong

Teens: Making Weak Things Strong

I took a weightlifting class my senior year of high school, and loved it! After just a few weeks of working the different machines I discovered new, fairly awesome muscles in places I didn’t think muscles existed. After a few more weeks I thought I was doing pretty...
A Silver Lining

A Silver Lining

It’s been raining here all day. Rain, rain, rain! So much for our plans for the day. Now, we have to postpone them for tomorrow which means tomorrow’s agenda has to be pushed off for another day. Ordinarily, postponing tasks for another day isn’t...
Each One Has the Responsibility

Each One Has the Responsibility

I’ve been studying recently in an instructional booklet put out by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (sometimes called the Mormon church because of our belief and use of The Book of Mormon). The instructional booklet is called Improving Gospel Teaching....
Home – The Central Place

Home – The Central Place

This title, “Home – The Central Place,” caught my eye. I was reading in an instructional booklet put out by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (casually called the Mormons). The booklet was called “Improving Gospel Teaching: A Leader’s Guide.” Published...
The Blessings of a Temple Journal

The Blessings of a Temple Journal

On my 22nd Birthday I went through the Mount Timpanogos Temple to receive my Endowments in preparation for serving a Full-time mission for the Church. That morning before we left the house my mother gave me one of the best birthday presents I have ever received. She...
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