by Cindy B | Nov 16, 2007 | Emergency Preparedness
Many people watched Californians running from those dreaded fires. What was it like, having such intense heat so close to your homes? To smell the choking smoke, to have it in your hair and your clothes so such degree that it won’t leave – even after...
by Cindy B | Nov 16, 2007 | Emergency Preparedness
As Mormons, we believe in being prepared. Why? Because in so have recommended. In the blog “Emergency Time – Do You Have Your Papers Ready?”, I gave a few easy steps to get your important papers ready. Why? Because we never know when an emergency...
by Cindy B | Nov 16, 2007 | Emergency Preparedness
My husband and I have a little chalkboard. It is a sweet little thing – message leaving or instruction, but not so my husband nor myself. I’m not sure why dusty white chalk appeals so much to me. Could it be the way it lingers on my fingers, reminding me...
by Cindy B | Nov 16, 2007 | Emergency Preparedness
Ever had a sleepy feeling? You know it when you feel it. Whether sitting in a class or even at work, your body begins to feel heavier and heavier. It’s hard to make your brain work, let alone keep your eyes open. Before you know it, the yawns are coming, one on...
by Cindy B | Nov 15, 2007 | Emergency Preparedness
I find in my own personal preparedness activites that it is important to remember that preparedness is a lifestyle … not a one-time event. For some people, to hear the term “preparedness” causes them to think of Hurricane Katrina and the immense...
by Cindy B | Nov 15, 2007 | Emergency Preparedness
We as Mormons believe the prophets. Whether those prophets are ancient ones or current ones, we believe them and that they speak the Lord’s word. We base this on the scripture in Amos 3:7: “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret...