Return and Report

Return and Report

When I was a young deputy team lead at the office, I would occasionally be the acting lead when my manager was on vacation or traveling for work.  I didn’t have any real concept of the all the issues she handled on a daily basis, but it felt as if the sky was falling...
Taking Risks

Taking Risks

I have a long-time mentor at work.  I first met her when she was my boss and I had finally earned a leadership role in the organization.  In those years it seemed we were doing a lot of on the job training, and we had a very diverse group of people. We were also...
Rebar and Concrete

Rebar and Concrete

I used to think that God’s grace was like this: I work my hardest, give Him all the pennies I saved and when it wasn’t enough He’d pitch in the other $4 – like when my son wants a new pack of trading cards and doesn’t have enough money to cover the tax.  Then one day...
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