by Terrie Lynn Bittner | Feb 18, 2008 | Becoming a New Member
In general, LDS sacrament meetings require little more than reverent attention of its members. However, the passing of the sacrament, similar to communion in other churches, is one part of the meeting in which we all participate. The sacrament allows us to renew our...
by Terrie Lynn Bittner | Feb 16, 2008 | Becoming a New Member
Have you seen a space on your tithing slip for fast offerings? Here’s where the money you donate to that program will go: We’re asked to fast once a month, skipping two meals, doing without food or liquid for 24 hours. Then we donate this money to those who...
by Terrie Lynn Bittner | Feb 16, 2008 | Becoming a New Member
As a new church member, you are asked to begin taking responsibility for your own needs and those of your family. Provident Living means taking care of ourselves. We’re advised to prepare ourselves for any emergency: to gain an education or training, to stay out of...
by Terrie Lynn Bittner | Feb 16, 2008 | Becoming a New Member
As a new member, you may be wondering what the church welfare program is about. Its purposes are somewhat different than many government programs. If the Savior were to arrive in in your town next week, we wouldn’t find him in the mansions, sitting at a well-appointed...
by Terrie Lynn Bittner | Feb 14, 2008 | Becoming a New Member
For many new converts, the promise of an eternal family is one of the greatest blessings the gospel has to offer. In the year or so a new member has to wait for that privilege, he should not just wait, but prepare. There are many things you can do to prepare to go to...
by Terrie Lynn Bittner | Feb 14, 2008 | Becoming a New Member
Having a testimony doesn’t guarantee a conversion. I have known people who prayed to know if the church was true, received an affirmative answer, and then walked away from it out of fear or unwillingness to change or commit. In my own conversion process, I was...