Family Home Evening Basics

Family home , our leaders have promoted it as something that will bring families together and effectively teach the gospel to the next generation. President Joseph F. Smith, the sixth president of the Church, began promoting this in 1915. One of the most important...

Too Many Commandments?

The first time I attended church, the lesson was on preparing to . To me, it appeared you had to be perfect. I wrote in my journal that I thought I was a pretty good Christian, but that I could never live up to the Mormon standards. What I didn’t understand, of...

When Your Clothing Isn’t Appropriate

When I was first invited to visit an LDS church, I a many churches, I opted for a dress and a hat, figuring too much dressiness was better than not enough. When I arrived, I saw no one else had a hat, so I removed mine. All the girls wore dresses, and I was relieved...

Teaching Kids the Value of Money

In a credit-crazy world, it’s more important than ever to teach our , and spending within their means. Setting Up Ideas Your first step should be sitting down and making a list of things your kids can do to earn their very own money. This will obviously vary from...

Playing Pharaoh with My Children of Israel

Today, during our family scripture study we were reading in Exodus 5. This is the first time Moses and Aaron approach Pharaoh about letting the children of Israel go three days into the desert like you have some time on your hands, Israelite slaves, if you want to...

Spencer W. Kimball (1895-1985): The Mission Years

Spencer W. Kimball (1895-1985): The Mission Years

Spencer W. Kimball had shown a remarkable ability to accomplish did not come easily to him, but he practiced and practiced until he was proficient. Such was the case when Spencer graduated from Gila Academy in 1914. He had every intention of entering the University of...

Promised Blessings for Missionaries and Their Families

Promised Blessings for Missionaries and Their Families

Have you ever heard a passage of scripture spoken from the pulpit, a scripture you may have read a dozen times before, and then, in a moment of bursting epiphany, the words of Christ come to your awareness as if for the first time? This . (This being my third MTC...

Searching the Internet Effectively

Searching the Internet Effectively

I have previously mentioned gathering genealogical their ancestry into an online Family Tree but who may have a web page devoted to their ancestry. Likewise, some genealogists may have a Family Tree online but may also have a personal web site that presents more in...

Authority to Act in the Name of Jesus Christ

Authority to Act in the Name of Jesus Christ

There are two basic ways that a church might be organized: 1) Mortal men negotiate and initiate an organization to the praise, and worship, and glory of God--this is good; or 2) Christ appoints prophets and apostles, ordaining them with authority to act in His name,...

Family Scripture Study and Prayer

Family Scripture Study and Prayer

LDS families are counseled to study the scriptures daily as a family. I’ve found that it’s a great foundation for gospel instruction and a starting point for gospel discussion. Beyond that, it has been a personal anchor to me in the tempests of life. When I have been...

Inis Hunter, Beloved Wife of 14th Mormon Prophet

Inis Hunter, Beloved Wife of 14th Mormon Prophet

I was saddened to hear of the passing of away on Sunday, October 14, 2007 in Laguna Hills, California due to causes incident to age. She was 93 years old. Her husband served only briefly as our prophet, but we have many fond memories of him and his service. I was...

Mormon Response to Fires in California

Mormon Response to Fires in California

As wildfires blaze through southern California, we are mindful of , The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has reported that all the missionaries in the area are safe. Missionaries are assisting in shelters and are also helping with evacuations. At least...

Elias . . . Bringer of Joy

Elias . . . Bringer of Joy

Mormon families follow the admonition of God to Adam and Eve to "multiply and replenish the earth." As Sister Julie Beck of the General Relief Society Presidency (the highest calling held by a woman in the Mormon Church) said on October 7, 2007 in General Conference:...

Where Did We Come From — For Teens

It sounds like such a simple question: Where did we come from? Yet it has been one of the most frequently asked questions of all time. What do Mormons, or members of the LDS Church, believe? This part of the Plan of Salvation can be summed up in six steps: 1. We...

Sometimes Children Are the Teachers

Sometimes Children Are the Teachers

There are times being a teacher over a rambunctious group of four, , or in church, it may seem as though much of what we wish to impart barely makes it past their little ears. While it is important to teach the same lessons in the hopes of something getting through to...

Where Did I Come From?

Where did I come from?” is a common question asked by those seeking for something greater than the bright, shiny and often destructive things the world has to offer. Mormons actually have the answer to this question, or rather, the gospel of Jesus Christ provides the...

Man Is Not Saved By Faith Alone

President Spencer W. Kimball said, "Celestial life may be had by every soul who will fill the requirements. To know ] is a way of life, the plan of personal salvation, and is based upon personal responsibility. It is developed for man." (Teachings of the Presidents,...

All Worthy Men

On June 8 of 1978 a monumental revelation was received by President Spencer W. Kimball. Prophets, of modern times, one after another, had begged the Lord for this revelation. On September 30, 1978 it was presented to the church as an official declaration to be added...

Spencer W. Kimball (1895-1985): The Early Years

Spencer W. Kimball (1895-1985): The Early Years

Of President Spencer W. Kimball, his father said, ". . . he is always happy. He is a clean and obedient boy and always minds what I ask him to do. I have dedicated him to the Lord and to His service. He will become a mighty man in the Church." (Teachings of the...

Every Member a Missionary

In a 1959 general conference address, the president and prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint, David O. Mckay, admonished members of the Church with a phrase now familiar and famous among Mormons: “every member a missionary.” Any church that claims...

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