Having a Mary Magdalene Day

There are days where I feel sorely misunderstood. Like there is no one in the world who has any idea what it feels like to be me. Everyone sees me for my mistakes and failings and not who I have become and what I can do. And sometimes I wonder if Mary Magdalene ever...

FHE Idea: Playing With (and Cleaning Up) Autumn Leaves

I . If it’s fairly nice weather outside, and you’re looking for a fun way to do Family Home Evening as well as getting rid of the leaves, consider getting everyone involved in building a few scarecrows. Before you start gather some old clothes, long pants and...

Becoming Familiar with Other Views of the Plan of Salvation

I have always lived in Utah. In fact, I went to an elementary school just down the street from where I live now until halfway through second grade before moving up to the Sugarhouse area. The farthest away from home I’ve ever lived was a brief stay at Snow College, a...

Rootsweb: Books We Own

Most genealogists have this in common - The excitement they feel genealogists doing volunteer work, hoping to help others find out more about their ancestors and to feel that same thrill of discovery. In the next little while we will be taking an in-depth look at some...

The Social Security Death Index (SSDI)

The Social Security Death Index(SSDI) is a database of death records, created by the Social Security Administration(SSA) for persons who had a Social Security Number(SSN) and whose deaths were reported to the SSA. to turn to for those who are starting at the very...

Jesus Christ: The Light of the World

In the gospel according to John, we read: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men . . . the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world” (John 1: 1, 3-4, 9). The magnificent power...


And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew. For I, the Lord God, created all things, of which I have spoken, spiritually, before they were naturally upon the face of the earth. For I, the Lord God, had not...

Becoming Mary

Martha and Mary were sisters who both received the Savior into their home. , Martha set to work serving them and attending to their needs. Mary, on the other hand, apparently sat down at the Savior’s feet and “heard his word”. After so long of this, Martha had had...

The “1&2” Preparedness Approach

I was just in the grocery store yesterday and picked up two large jugs of vinegar. Why vinegar? I purchased it for two reasons. 1) It was my symbolic (although very real) demonstration that every day I am seeking a preparedness lifestyle. 2) Vinegar can be used for...

The Robellini Tree and Light

The other night as I was driving home from a meeting, I looked off to the left. The sun had completely set and as a result, everything was pitch black other than weak light puddled directly under street lamps. Everything, that is, except a little clearing near the...

Doctrine & Covenants 93 – Set In Order Your Own House

Just the other day I was reading in Doctrine & Covenants 93 and was so taken by these consistent refrains, spoken to several early church members and leaders: “, as yet, over you, and this is the cause of your affliction” (vs. 42). And: “You have not kept the...

Baptism by Immersion: Following Christ’s Example

Believing in Christ and faithfully following His example is the essence of . . . to honor His words “come follow me.” To follow our Savior, it is vital to understand the manner by which He was baptized, for our eternal salvation depends upon correct application of...

Are Mormons Christian?

Are Mormons Christian? The short answer is yes. The very name of the Church itself, , a prophet in the Book of Mormon, tells us: "We talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ" (2 Nephi 25:26). Notice that Nephi is writing to us...

The Order of Christ’s Church and Priesthood

The way of Heaven is orderly. And when that way is manifest to men ministry, is the same pattern to which we look today. When we see His order, we will recognize His Church. The pattern of Orderliness and Godliness begins with the bestowing of power to act in His...

What is the Aaronic Priesthood?

We’ve already discussed about the restoration of the priesthood authority in 1829. Now we’re going to break it down and discuss the Aaronic Priesthood: “As the Prophet Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon, he found mention of baptism for the baptism. As they...

White Ribbon Against Pornography Campaign Approaching

The Internet. Technology. They have re-shaped the way we live. Remember the 5-cent . We listen to a live press conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as a new leader is announced. We become a part of LDSblogs, virtually tour a hotel, observe a...

Teach Kids to Make a Difference

Making a difference in someone’s life isn’t always done in grand and obvious fashions. Most often the people who make a significant difference in the lives of others do so in small and seemingly simple ways. On the fourth Saturday of every October this idea is...

Mormon Youth are Encouraged to Date Other Mormon Youth

During a lesson one of my young women asked me about dating outside our religion. She had a friend who seemed to consistently look for guys who were not LDS. I don’t know that we, the leaders, is dedicated to Jen (name has been changed to protect the innocent…and...

The Great Apostasy

Many people do not believe there was a need for the lifetime. Many deny The Great Apostasy ever took place, but I promise you that it did. First, let's discuss the definition of apostasy: When individuals or groups of people turn away from the principles of the...

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