The Divine Crucible

The Divine Crucible

The fog rolls in and we try and make something out of a situation we just can’t seem to make sense of. As we try to extricate ourselves from this unsavory position, we become despondent and helpless. That makes sense to us all. We have all experienced some...
The Fire of Free Will

The Fire of Free Will

“I do it myself!” shouts my three-year-old daughter as she struggles to put on her shoes. My offers to help are rejected as she fights to do something hard on her own.   I am seeing free will (with a high level of frustration and intense, unrelenting...
Time and Making Memories

Time and Making Memories

We had the opportunity on Saturday to watch two of our grandchildren for about 12 hours. Our granddaughter is 4 years old, and our grandson is 2 years old. It was time to make some memories.   We made rice krispie marshmallow treats with added crushed candy...
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