The Hand of God Leads Down Better Roads

I was cleaning off my desk this morning and ran across an interesting quote by Abraham Lincoln. “I feel the hand of God on me, leading me down better roads than I would take alone.” (Abraham Lincoln) Interestingly enough, the scriptures say almost the same thing. Even...
Reaching Inward to Reach Outward

Reaching Inward to Reach Outward

I talked yesterday about the need for preparation of our hearts and minds for service experiences. Elder Henry B. Eyring said: “You are called to represent the Savior. Your voice to testify becomes the same as His voice, your hands to lift the same as His hands.”...

A Sure Compass and Guide

Do you dread going to a large shopping mall because you can’t quite get your bearings in that monster of a maze – the parking lot? Have you ever gone to visit someone in a large hospital and felt embarrassed about not knowing which hallway takes you back to the...
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