by Terrie Lynn Bittner | Apr 29, 2009 | Discipleship: Follow the Savior
In this series of articles on virtue, we’ve been exploring the Young Women’s program for Mormon teenagers. The girls-and in some countries, the boys-participate in a program called Personal Progress, in which they set and achieve goals. Some are chosen for...
by Terrie Lynn Bittner | Mar 4, 2009 | Finding Truth
There is a beautiful children’s hymn for young Mormons called, “A Child’s Prayer.” The song is written for an adult and child to sing together. In the song, a child asks God if he’s really there, and if he’s really listening to and answering the prayers of children....
by Alison P | Jul 23, 2008 | Discipleship: Follow the Savior
I’ve talked a lot about the Spirit that a disciple of Christ needs to carry with him. It’s that presence and knowledge of God’s will for you that make you the most effective disciple you can be. This Spirit comes in two forms. There is a general presence that...
by Ali C | Jun 20, 2008 | Finding Happiness
Heavenly Father loves you and has not left you comfortless. He has provided you a Comfortor (John 15:26,) who with a still, small voice can guide and direct you in all that you do. You were sent here to be happy—to live life to its fullest and to reach your greatest...
by Alison P | Jun 17, 2008 | Finding Truth
Have you ever considered where your personal inspiration comes from? What source provides you with the most consistent and uplifting feelings of divine love and guidance? What experiences reaffirm your devotion to Jesus Christ and desire to serve as His disciple?...