Celebrating My Own Marriage

Celebrating My Own Marriage

In a few days, my husband and I will celebrate our 38th anniversary. This is a good time to reflect on why we are still together after all these years of marriage. It is also a time to stand back and appreciate him for the wonderful man he is and for all he does. This...
Christmas: Lighten up

Christmas: Lighten up

I did it. I got the Christmas lights up. It’s probably the earliest ever—for me at least. This year with storms coming and the insistence of my wife, I got right to it first thing Saturday morning. Impending snow, rain, and cold were good motivators. And if the...
Balancing Work and Marriage

Balancing Work and Marriage

We all have to eat and to provide the necessities of life for our families, and that means at least one person must go to work. Balancing work with marriage and family is not always easy. How much time away from our loved ones is necessary for the collective good? How...
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