Bringing Humor to Marriage

Bringing Humor to Marriage

I really appreciate that my husband has a sense of humor. If he didn’t, our marriage would not have survived. He loves to laugh, and he occasionally gets a bad case of the giggles. To see this great big guy giggle like a little girl is charming and quite endearing....
Being a Thankful Marriage Partner

Being a Thankful Marriage Partner

As we approach Thanksgiving, we are all counting our blessings. It is a good thing to do once in a while. We all need perspective. Taking a long look at the good in our lives enriches our sensitivity to what is really important. What it all boils down to is marriage...
Son-in-Law Wanted

Son-in-Law Wanted

Three of my children are married; just three more to go. So I was thinking—as a helpful father—I want to be of assistance to my girls. Therefore, I’ve decided to place an ad for a son-in-law and broadcast the job requirements far-and-wide in hopes of snagging...
Marriage:  Pursuit of Happiness

Marriage: Pursuit of Happiness

This week is National Pursuit of Happiness Week. (Don’t worry, I didn’t know that either.) For me, the pursuit of happiness is marriage and family.  We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with...
Marriage and Family Traditions

Marriage and Family Traditions

I was born and raised in Nevada, USA. October 31st is not Halloween for me. It is Nevada Day—the anniversary of Nevada’s statehood. As a child, the Nevada Day Parade is what was on my mind; not trick-or-treat. Halloween was an afterthought—usually pretty...
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