Intimacy in Marriage

Intimacy in Marriage

When you are young, love and marriage seems all about passion. I suppose if it were not for passion, many of us would not have given our spouses a second look. That’s really a shame, since there is much more to marriage than young, passionate lovemaking. I sympathize...
Back to School:  Stress on Marriage?

Back to School: Stress on Marriage?

Back to school is an exciting time for some children and a stressful time for others. Some children have anxiety with change, and a new school year brings lots of changes. Other children just get so overly enthusiastic that it boils over into anticipatory craziness...
Marriage for Parents of Disabled Children

Marriage for Parents of Disabled Children

A friend spoke in Sacrament Meeting (LDS worship service) recently and said that our problems are ours alone, but we alone have been given the tools to make them our servants. That thought hit me square in the face because I have been doing research on how children...
Pornography Addiction Kills Marriage

Pornography Addiction Kills Marriage

A while back I asked my friends on social media what kind of marriage articles they wanted me to write. I received lots of answers to that question, but none as compelling as this one. I’m not a numbers person. When I read articles others have written, I hate reading...
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