Marriage: Believing is Seeing

Marriage: Believing is Seeing

“Are there trees in Arizona?” This question has brought upon a great deal of debate on my Facebook wall the past few days. I have watched the controversy ensue and I have seen people trying to support the claim by sending pictures, using a google map, and...
Marriage and Independence

Marriage and Independence

I love Independence Day. It stirs feelings inside me like no other holiday, renewing patriotism, remembering those who fought for our freedom, and those who waited, struggled, and sacrificed at home for those who served. I love the word independent—probably because I...
Equally Yoked

Equally Yoked

Our Young Mormon Family blogger, Krystal Wilkerson, is on maternity leave. Filling in for her today is our homeschooling blogger, Britt Kelly, who is sharing some words of wisdom for young moms. 2 Corinthians 6:14 reads “ Be ye not unequally yoked together with...
Marriage:  Some Days Are Just a Bust

Marriage: Some Days Are Just a Bust

I’ve been writing articles about marriage for six months now, and it occurs to me that anyone who might regularly be reading them might have some notion that I really know what I’m talking about, and that I have a picture perfect marriage every single day. Ha! There...
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