by Patty Sampson | Nov 18, 2019 | Patty Sampson: Christian Life
I recently gained a stronger understanding of the power of prayer. I’ve been blessed in my life to have prayers answered. One of my favorite stories happened when I was very small. I love gum, and as my parents were teaching me about God answering prayers, I...
by Delisa Hargrove | Oct 13, 2019 | Delisa Hargrove: Applying Gospel Principles
Does Heavenly Father really love everyone? How is that possible? There are so many people! Can He really answer all of our prayers? Does God really know who I am? It doesn’t seem to matter how I try These thoughts just keep returning to my mind ...
by Ben | Sep 12, 2019 | Finding Truth
“O Lord, I beseech thee, let now thine ear be attentive to the prayer of thy servant.” (Nehemiah 1:11) How many times have we felt as the faithful Old Testament nobleman Nehemiah and found ourselves on our knees “beseeching” the Lord in...
by Delisa Hargrove | Aug 25, 2019 | Delisa Hargrove: Applying Gospel Principles
175 years ago, a mob murdered two of my greatest heroes. The scene’s played over and over in my mind today. To seal the testimony of this book and the Book of Mormon, we announce the martyrdom of Joseph Smith the Prophet, and Hyrum Smith the Patriarch....
by Delisa Hargrove | Aug 18, 2019 | Delisa Hargrove: Applying Gospel Principles
I sank onto the bed one Sunday morning as I ended a phone call and realized that the help I’d envisioned and prayed for probably wouldn’t happen anytime soon. I honestly didn’t know how I could go on. I felt smashed in every way and the hope...