by Alison P | Jan 1, 2020 | Discipleship: Follow the Savior
I ran across a beautiful article the other day by Thomas S. Monson entitled “Three Goals to Guide You.” Though the address was given to a group of women, I think its message sets the tone for anyone who wants to serve the Lord to the best of their ability every day of...
by Abby Christianson | Dec 16, 2019 | Abby Christianson: Living in Harmony
I have had many callings during my life, but I never thought much about the process until recently. In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, when you get a church job, it’s called a “calling.” The bishop (the leader of your congregation) calls...
by Ashley Dewey | Dec 5, 2019 | Ashley Dewey: Single Life
Read part two here. During my five-day stay in the hospital, I am confident that I met with every single kind of doctor possible. Some of those doctors made a lasting impression. Some I wish I could forget forever and others I will count in my blessings for...
by Abby Christianson | Dec 2, 2019 | Abby Christianson: Living in Harmony
Have you ever wanted to be a kinder person? There are times when I am driving in rush hour traffic, or dealing with a tantrum, and my tension boils over. I get so worked up that it can take hours to calm down. Those are the times that I really want to be a kinder...
by Alison P | Nov 30, 2019 | Mormon Scriptures
John 6 opens with the Savior and His disciples on a mountain, a place of sacredness, perhaps for personal meditation or to prepare for the coming Passover. Christ did have trials and sorrows in His mortal life. Though He was always the perfect example of Heavenly...