Become the Rock

Become the Rock

I’ve collected quotes for as long as I can remember. In the days before everything could fit on a thumb drive, I used to have binders full of them. They were inspirational and uplifting. They kept me focused on what mattered and helped me find peace when life...
It Works

It Works

I am sitting in my office. On my desk, there sits four pairs of earbuds and an AHP1 Alesis headphone. They all used to work well, but over time one or more of the speakers have gone out or at least now work inconsistently. They served their purpose. They were not...
Welfare of the Heart

Welfare of the Heart

Some years ago, I was asked to give a talk at a stake conference. I was a Relief Society president at the time. I was asked to speak on welfare principles and was given quotes from general authorities regarding principles of welfare. I was to select one for my...
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