“D” Day

“D” Day

Lady: “Why are you leaving? What have I done to cause you to want to leave?” Man: “You know why I’m leaving—you’re crazy and controlling. I can’t handle it anymore.” As he yelled these words at me and turned away, I smelled a cloud of pinch-nosed alcohol. Lady: “Have...
Until This Moment

Until This Moment

Devoted husband and father Rory Mele is a brand new addition to our site! Rory’s articles will focus on a variety of topics: raising an infant daughter with Down Syndrome, coming back to the Church after excommunication, and finding joy in the gospel of Jesus...
Losing Hope

Losing Hope

In my experience, sometimes it’s really hard not to lose hope.   Not hope in God, exactly, although certainly that is a legitimate, painful struggle for some people — but hope that things will ever get better.   Maybe it’s after your 15th doctor...
10 Tips for Abuse Survivors

10 Tips for Abuse Survivors

This blog post is second in a two-part series that deals with mature themes (primarily sexual abuse), and may not be suitable for all readers. Reader discretion is advised.   Please also note that this is one abuse survivor’s experience and does not speak...
Choose Grace

Choose Grace

“For at some moment in the water he must have realized that he would not live if he continued to hand over the rope and ring to others. He had to know it, no matter how gradual the effect of the cold. In his judgment he had no choice. When the helicopter took off with...
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